I’ve held off from this for a while but it’s really got me loathing Victron at the moment For the longest time probably since the beginning I’ve not got the multiplus 2 to zero out the smart meter display even with a grid set point of -30watts it was always importing sometimes it would report zero for a couple of seconds then Jump to 20watts 60watts or 150watts and stay there for a couple of seconds.
I had the shop remote in and we worked out there was a phantom draw of 500watts checked the CT replaced for an ET112 no change the smartmeter display always showed usage and what made it worse was that it was eating my solar and still importing say 50watts from the grid when solar was at 1800watts and the house load was 700watts.
For a 6month old system I’m not happy with the way that Victron have handled it really, with wanting the unit to be sent back to them for repair luckily I can do the removal and refit of the loan unit the shop has sent while mine is getting fixed. This isn’t what I’ve come to expect from Victron and I think the Victron Team should know [@Victron] the loan unit is showing on the smart meter display -20watts to 0watts finally im not using the grid and ive only set the grid setpoint to -10 so im not sure whats going on with my unit when set to -30 grid setpoint.