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sim-1 asked

Negative PV Power

I apologize, I see many questions about negative power but not one exactly like mine.
System - SmartSolar 100/20-48 connected to RPi VenusOS ( USB cable). The Pi is connected to VRM but also locally to Grafana Docker. In both places, after sunset, the PV power starts reporting in negative values, -2 ~ -3 Watts

When connected to the controller directly via BlueTooth (phone), it shows a static 0W.

Is this -3-2W the controller self consumption? If so, how can I separate it so PV calculations aren't screwed up in Grafana (planning to keep 2 years records). Hoping there is a dbus value that does not include the controller consumption. I also think direct connect app and MQTT (VRM at least) should be showing the same thing. Right now they are not.

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