This seems to have been covered before, without any clear resolutions, at least for my case. I have a new Orion isolated DCDC charger in my van, installed per the manual in the "normal" way. Software is up to date. It functions perfectly, with one glaring exception. I have a simple toggle switch on the dash wired to the L/H bridge on the orion so I can turn it on and off when I like, wired as in 4.4a below. However it doesn't do anything. It can be switched on or off, or the L/H plug can be plugged in or not, and the unit is on and still charges the battery regardless of the remote switch (or bridge which I went back to for testing). What gives? Per the manual I thought the switch overrides voltage detection, and shouldn't allow the unit to start charging. Isn't that true? Or do I need to disable voltage detection in the app so that the switch will work to turn it on and off? As I've seen this similar issue throughout the forum I'm wondering if there was a solution I missed or a problem Victron needs to address.