
felizcortez avatar image
felizcortez asked

WGET Command very slow on Cerbo 3.12

I am running my cerbo wth 3.12 and it is causing me issues with Signal K and a few other programs. VRM works well as I have a starlink connection and things respond quickly over the VRM portal. My Signal K says it's offline because I think it tests connections to If I login via SSH and run a WGET command on it can take up to 3-4 mins to respond if it does at all. Some other websites using the wget command seem to respond faster, but this doesn't make sense to me as the VRM portal works fine. Seems like the network is broken on the Cerbo somehow. I have a friend who has a cerbo who tested wget commands on his system and they runs instantaneously. Any advice on how to debug further?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
felizcortez avatar image
felizcortez answered ·

Just wanted to follow up on this to see if anyone has any suggestions.

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felizcortez avatar image
felizcortez answered ·

I think I may have figured some more stuff out. I went in and disabled IPV6 on my router and everything seems to be working now including Signal K. Does the Cerbo not support IPV6? I think the addresses were getting served up via IPV6 timing out and then eventually going to IPV4 which explains why it would take a very long time. I don't beleive I had this issue when I was running on 3.01, but it happened after I updated to 3.12. I'm wondering if something changed.

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