
anneenb2 avatar image
anneenb2 asked

What size generator do I require?

I am using simple english.

We have a 8kva Quattro, and had a 28kva 3phase generator. There were a few issues with the supplier/installer from the start (unfortunately) such as the fact that his employees who came out to quote us not informing him of the fact that we are going completely off grid and disconnecting from Eskom and then after the installation of the unit, connecting the cable (supplied by them) incorrectly to the generator. This resulted (after them having to come out on town different occasions to work on it) in the generator not working. Supplier said he will require from a third party what the costs will be to rewire the generator instead.

After weeks of not hearing back from supplier and us going several days (due to rainy weather over 2-3days, almost weekly since) with no electricity, my husband informed the supplier that we are able to get a 6kva generator from a party who will take the now non-functional 28kva. Supplier said "that will be better" than having the 28kva rewired.

Today is the first of yet again 3 days of constant rainy weather, excitedly we connect the 6kva generator to charge the battery. It powers the house but does not charge at all.

Now the supplier says that a 6kva generator won't ever work - despite my husband specifically stating previously that it is what we will be getting.

We are out the 28kva generator, the fees paid to the supplier to have this generator installed to the solar system he provided in order for us (who live on a farm) to have constant electricity and now we have a 6kva generator which apparently is the incorrect one.

Any advise (in plain english please) will be appreciated!!

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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

6kva should work fine for charging batteries. You need to do some diagnostics to find out why the system is not charging from gen. Are you certain that the Quatro is passing power through to the loads? If the Quatro rejects power from the gen it will show power available at the input but it will not engage the input relay. If power is being passed through but you are not getting battery charging, the quatro is probably not configured correctly. Is the quatro connected to a GX device and to vrm, or do you have a MK3 adapter? You need to check the configuration.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Are the 6kVA peak or continious power?

If it is the peak power, then the continious output is around 5kW hence your Quattro should not go over 2/3 of the rated continious power otherwise the generator overheat in long runs and also wear off very fast.

However, do you have only one Quattri 48/8000 or more? 3-phase, Split-Phase or what?

Because if you have e.G. a 3-phase system and the 6kVA generator is also 3-phase, then the generator is hopeless to small, because the minimum input current is around 8A, which mean, you need a continious power of 400V x 8 = 3200 / 0,67 = 4800W minimum.

Hence your 6kVA Generator should work for charging, but you can not use any appliances while charging...

More infos from your side are required.

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