
nick-moody avatar image
nick-moody asked

IP22 Low Temp Shut Off

My IP22 Blue Smart Charger is connected to the Smart Battery Sense. When the temp drops below 5 deg the Charger turns off as expected. Once the temperature goes back up the charger does not resume charging unless I power cycle it. Is this expected behavior?


Temperature Sensor
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4 Answers
texduck88 avatar image
texduck88 answered ·

@Nick Moody

I set up an experiment this morning and the results may answer your question.I have an IP22 Smart Charger, a BMS-712 Battery Monitor and a ASS000100000 wired temperature sensor. The IP22 and BMS are connected via VE.Smart network and the sensor is wired to the BMS-712 shunt.

I set the IP22 low temperature cut off value to 40ºF and submerged the sensor in an ice bath. When it reached 39ºF, the IP22 stopped charging. I then submerged the sensor in a hot water bath and when it reached 50ºF, the IP22 resumed charging. I repeated this test 3 times with the same results.

I do not have a Smart Sense to test, but it seems likely the IP22 would respond in the same fashion to temperature values received over the VE.Smart network regardless of the originating device.



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nick-moody avatar image nick-moody commented ·
Thank you for taking the time to test that. My smart battery sense is attached to the battery which is under a passenger seat and no easy to access without removing the seat so attempting a similar test is tricky.

I’m waiting for the temperature to drop again to see if the issue occurs again.


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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

I've asked the developer: there is a 5C hysteresis so temp needs to rise 5 degrees Celsius to start charging again.

This is different than the MPPT's (0,5C) and this will be corrected in feature firmware so the charger also uses 0,5C.

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umgfoin avatar image umgfoin commented ·

Hello @Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ,

not wanting to bother you on this, but is there any perspective when a corrected firmware for the IP22 chargers will be available? The 5° hysteresis issue is quite annoying with current temperatures at my place as it effectively means we have to enable the charger manually every morning after temp. cutoff kicked in during night.

Thanks & best regards,


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Hi @umgfoin unfortunately it is not changed yet.
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umgfoin avatar image umgfoin Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Hello @Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ,

what can we do, to bring this issue forward? Is there any progress from Victron's side? With a background in embedded dev., I'd be OK with a pre-rel firmware, if something is available. We have choosen the IP22 explicitely because of the (LFP) lowtemp-feature and it is actually doing everything, but not resuming charging after cut-off. As being the master in the smart-net, this behaviour is propagated on the solar charger, which would otherwise resume charging as expected. Do you recommend to open a warranty-case to have this sorted out?
Do other 12V mains-chargers (Phoenix, IP65...) share the same (5°C hyst.) implementation?

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umgfoin avatar image
umgfoin answered ·

Hello @texduck88,

your observations would suggest an hysteresis of 11°F/6,1°C in the IP22's cut-off-temp.-handling, which does not really make sense or meet the requirements, imho. Unfortunately, the cut-off-limit parameter is not covered in the IP22 device-documentation - however, it is in other Victron-charger's manuals, e.g. the SmartSolar MPPT 150/35 (-> "Low temperature cut-off"). Here, the hysteresis is described with 0.5 °C and I would assume, that the implementation in other charging devices should exhibit comparable control behavior.

I'm having a similar issue with low-temp cut-off:
In my setup, a Blue Smart IP 22 12V|30A rev2 is synchronized with a SmartSolar MPPT 150/35 via VE.Smart. They both consume temp.- and voltage measurements from a Smart Battery Sense (MPN SBS050150200) in the same network.

Low.-temp cut-off is set to 3°C (on both chargers) and charging correctly pauses if temp. falls below this value. As with @Nick Moody , charging is not resumed, if temp. rises above 3.5 °C.
Imho, this is unwanted behavior and does not meet the documentation.

It looks like a bug. My suspicion is supported by the fact that charging resumes instantly, when I temporarily switch one of the two chargers to power-supply mode (and back).

Just having learned that there's no direct end-customer support through Victron, I'll forward the issue to a local dealer.

Thanks for your investigations on the subject which saved me time and cold spray :-)


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ramblinchet avatar image
ramblinchet answered ·

Has the incorrect 5.0 °C hysteresis been corrected to the correct 0.5 °C value?

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umgfoin avatar image umgfoin commented ·

No, still not fixed - go for another charger if you need/like to resume charging LFP below 10°C. The question is, which Victron mains-chargers don't expose same behaviour?

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