
mryoshii avatar image
mryoshii asked

DESS Price calculation question

I like to try DESS with awattar.
I have put in my formula:
and when I put in my energy cost from then I get something like 15cent/kwh.
Why is betaVRM showing me 1,96€?
When I just put in P then the net price seems the same as from awattar api but if I add my formula it puts in almost 2€
Hopefully someone can help me with that.
Also from awattar website:
"Hourly prices EPEX Spot® AT
+ | Hourly prices EPEX Spot® AT | * 0.03 (3%)
+ 1,500 cents/kWh
+ 20% VAT"

Helpdynamic essbeta
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gnagflow avatar image gnagflow commented ·

Hello, I also want to try the dyn. ess beta with the austrian EPEX Spot® AT dynamic prices. But if I choose in the list "Austria" there is no EPEX spot offered,

did you get it anyway to work? i dont understand how to reference the prices to epex!?

thank you very much for your help!

best regards,

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2 Answers
dirk-s avatar image
dirk-s answered ·

Because you put +1,5 in your formula. I believe you mean +0,015. The formula is in Euro not in Cent

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mryoshii avatar image
mryoshii answered ·

Thanks, I am not sure how I missed that..

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