
teadrinker avatar image
teadrinker asked

BlueSolar charge controller MPPT 75/15 creating interference

I have a BlueSolar charge controller MPPT 75/15 that is causing interference. When the Blue Solar charger function is enabled and it is day time, it is creating interference with a car radio installed some distance away and is making the radio impossible to listen to. When the Blue Solar charger is disabled (through Victrom app) or when night falls, the interference stops. I am looking for advice on the best method to substantially reduce the noise coming from the BlueSolar charge controller MPPT 75/15.

chargersolarBlueSolar PWM
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Hi teadrinker,

I would suggest you have a good look at the radio antenna itself. Make sure it has a good/clean ground connection. Good luck.

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teadrinker avatar image teadrinker commented ·

@klim8skeptic I will check that, thank you.

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