
schollex avatar image
schollex asked

volatile MPPT power output


I have 415 Wp modules. Some of them are connected to Hoymiles HMS micro-inverters, some to Smartsolar 150/45 (Firmware v1.61, I have two of them, 3 panels in serial, 2 parallel strings per smartsolar).

I have the problem that my 2 MPPTs have a regular short power-drop every 10 min. These power-drops don't occur on my Hoymiles-inverters.


These drops occur during loading of battery as well as during feeding back exceeding power to grid.

I think these drops are caused by a bug within Smartsolar-firmware or Venus-OS.

Can anybody explain or confirm the problem?



MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

This is well documented.

The MPPT's track the max power point every 10 minutes, what you are seeing is normal.

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