
apacalipto avatar image
apacalipto asked

Node red inject node on Remote console

I created some flows in Node Red that start with an inject node.

But I would like to start the inject node from my gx touch screen (or remote console).

Any idea if there is a GUI mode available that can pull this off?

Node-REDremote console
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5 Answers
apacalipto avatar image
apacalipto answered ·

Somebody can point me in the right direction.

I googled it again but the only thing i found, was my own question here.

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Doug Steinfeld avatar image
Doug Steinfeld answered ·

Did you ever figure this out? I'm in the same, uh, boat.

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deonkorb avatar image
deonkorb answered ·

A dirty workaround is to use the relay state, assuming you aren't using the relay for something else.

  1. Set the relay mode to manual
  2. Trigger the relay from VRM
  3. Use the relay state node as the trigger

If there is a better way, I am also keen to know.

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Doug Steinfeld avatar image
Doug Steinfeld answered ·

@deon.korb Not a bad idea (especially with guimods which has a relay state/control page) but I’m using both relays. In fact what I want to do is trigger a flow that cycles one of them every 3 seconds (to blink the anchor light so I can find my boat in an anchorage).

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yortyobby avatar image
yortyobby answered ·

What about building a dashboard in Node Red? This won't help with touch screen control, but accessing Node Red dashboard is about the same effort to get to via VRM as remote console.

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