
bertcy avatar image
bertcy asked

Power readings mismatch between the different equipment

Good Day Victron Community,

I have an issue with a system. The power measurements do not seem to match as if there was

some energy loss somewhere.

All connection are fasten and well torqued and we have no blown fuse or any damaged equipment.

It's a parallel system.

Has anybody encountered that before?power-readings-mismatch.png

Multiplus-IIMPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
theo74 avatar image
theo74 answered ·

I see a little mismatch in the added up PV powers, this should be 2545W + 29W = 2674W.

And less returned power to the grid than 2553W - 1739W = 814W instead of the 667W.

Could it be that there are some losses to be calculated in the MPPT and Multiplus?

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