
chris88 avatar image
chris88 asked

Pylontech CAN-Bus loses connection to Venus

The Pylontech US2000B CAN-Bus interface shows up under Settings - Service as CAN-Bus-BMS (500Kbit/s) and shows up as device as well.

From time to time (couple hours or 2 weeks) the connection is dropped without any visible reason. After disabling and enabling the CAN-Bus in Settings - Service the Pylontech shows up again .... until next drop.

I'am running Venus Rpi V2.32, a Multiplus II 48/3000 VE.Bus and MPPT VE.Direct in an ESS configuration.

Is there a way to monitor the connection and generate an alert or even better an automatic reconnect.

Thanks Chris

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1 Answer
mobilik avatar image
mobilik answered ·

Hello, I have the same problem. My products are: 3x 150/45, 2x Multiplus 5000/48 Parallel, Cerbo GX MKII, 5x Pylontech US2000 B+ Twice a week, communication stops. I change the communication speed and go back and it continues to communicate.

Cerbo FW: v3.20, pylontech FW: v3.4

Can you help me please THX

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