Hi Matthias,
Hab mir gedacht ich schreib meinen Namensvettern hier mal an :) und wechsle wegen der sehr allgemeinen Frage auch gleich auf Englisch.
Im interested to operate a grid meter at 20 kV level. Why: I'm running a farm of 4 windpowerplants which run native on 400VAC but are transformed up to 20kV by 4 separate transformers. I'd like to install MPII with some battery on one transformer and supply the others via ESS as well if there is not enough wind. That requires grid metering at 20 kV which is dthe connecting point to the public grid.
Is anyone here in the forum who has done such a thing? If so, please be so kind and share your findings. Thank you!
My thoughts so far. I'm taking a standard gridmeter VM-3P75CT and put other CTs. That requires obviously CT ratio settings in the device. And it would be as well necessary to modify the voltage measurment ratio settings inside the grid meter. As far as I could find out so far this is not yet possible. @Victron, can I somehow configure the ratio settings ?
Best regards,