
old-joe avatar image
old-joe asked

No load current showing with VE Direct Smart dongle and Blue Solar 75/15 MPPT

Have just installed a VE Direct Smart dongle into my RV and connected to a Blue Solar 75/15 MPPT charger/regulator, charging an AGM battery. Prior to this addition, the load circuit was tapped from the battery terminals. The installation also includes a DC-DC charger (not Victron) and all B negatives were commoned at the DC-DC charger.

I have now reconnected the load circuit B+ to the load B+ terminal at the Blue Solar module. I understand that the B- battery and B- load terminals in the Blue Solar module are common.

The load works fine i.e with load B+ derived from the Blue Solar load B+ and commoned B negs.

I cannot read any load current on the app! Why is this so?

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1 Answer
old-joe avatar image
old-joe answered ·

I am answering my own question.

Despite reading a contributor's advice that all control/metering is done on the B+ (high) side and the B negs were common, therefore it was OK to operate with only the pos load circuit connected to the output side B+ and connect the load circuit neg to B- This is not true.

I have now separated the B negs from a common connection and run the load circuit as a completely isolated pair (without any gnd reference) and all is good.

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