After updating the firmware of my 48/5000/70 Multiplus II GX, I am getting Relay alarms.
I have two relay settings (AUX relay) configured in VEConfig. When AC drop is shorts a dry switch on my PV Inverter to throttle production if batteries are full. The other re-actives the inverter 30s after the grid re-appears.
I receive Relay alarms as below post firmware update. The alarms were originally configured on the relay states of the Gateway. Now it appears that these states cannot be found. This is also reflected in the VRM advanced tab when I try and review the relay states in the charts. There are no options for relay!
Here are the steps I followed to upgrade.
- Backup settings in VEConfigure
- Backup settings in VictronConnect
- Update firmware from v506 to v507 in VictronConnect
- Reimport settings to VictronConnect
- Reimport settings to VEConfigure
After things were back up and running I noted in VRM that there was a Device update showing for the 'Multiplus-II GX' from v3.11 to v3.12.
I clicked update.
After the refresh it then shows me the following:
The GX device built into the MPII looks to be updated but now the MPII shows there is a new version v507 to v508.
Working through the plethora of warning pages for this update one struck a note - If your GX device is powered by your MPII do not use this method.
So off I went back into VictronConnect and I clicked check updates again - No updates v507 is the latest.
Somehow I think the updates are out of kilter between the built in GX device and the MPII. This means I can't access the states of the relays to try and understand the alarms.
Honestly I'm kicking myself for getting a MPII with a GX built in. It was a stupid decision...
Can anyone offer any advice as to how to proceed? I need these configured relays working to protect the batteries. That said the chances of full batteries and no grid are slim in Winter.
Thanks in Advance,