I intend to install in my campervan the following setup:
- Victron 100 Ah Lifepo4 battery
- VE.Bus BMS
- IP22 main charger
- 75/15 MPPT solar charge controller, along with two 100W solar panels.
I do, however, still have a number of question to which I so far get only vague and contradictory answers. The questions are about what to do in a situation in which our campervan stands on a indoor parking lot with temperatures that may be lower than zero degrees.
It is clear that the battery should not be charged below zero (better five) degrees. But then:
- Is it OK if an already fully charged battery keeps connected to the main charger by temperatures below zero degrees?
- Does keeping the battery connected to the main charger for longer periods have impact on the life time of a Lifepo4 battery and, if so, how big is this effect?
Disconnecting and removing the battery is not a realistic option. The battery is hard to reach and it is only about a max of 4 or 5 weeks that we do not use our campervan.
Thanks in advance for helping me out!