
65nw avatar image
65nw asked

quattro and multiplus ii: one, the other or power assist?

Currently have the quattro 10kva installed and running well except it is overkill most of the time and high standby power consumption.

have a multiplus II 3k in box to add to system.

would like to have the quattro off most of the time except when running large loads, and the multiplus as the "daily driver", especially in the winter.

how would you do this? here is what came to my mind:

option 1: manually turn off one inverter, transfer the AC output to the load center and then turn the other on. or turn both on, switch load, then turn the first off.


option 2: connect the outputs of the two inverters (seems like a bad idea). turn one inverter off, and the other on when the load approaches some percent output of the multiplus, using node red. run for x minutes before switching back. will cause an outage during each hand off.


Q: can either inverter handle AC voltage on its output when it is off or will this damage the output?

Option 3: connect the output of the multiplus to the ac 1 input of the quattro. Use quattro either in charge only to save power or in power assist mode when inverting.


Q: if the quattro is off or in charge only mode, will it pass power to either ac output or do the contactors open?

Q: can the charger be disabled (inverter only) when in power assist? (prevent charging loop)

Q: will this theoretically give an output of 13kva (or up to the specified ac output I limit of the quattro?)

diagram to edit: long link

I dont really like any of these options, hence the post. Hopefully I overlooked something obvious.

Multiplus-IIquattro 10kvapowerassist
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If you have space to hang both?

You could always use changeover switched to select sources for powering on the output that way there are no mistakes.

Option 3.. no don't add one to the other it is not an approved set up. Plus you are sharing a battery bank so that does not make sense either.

Can't have the best of both, either use the 10 or the 3. I thought the point was to save power on the set up anyway now you are talking about using higher peaks? Maybe there is something missing from your narrative?

The quattro will pass through when the switch is in the charger position. Might make input easier to wire to the MP from the two different sources. Although maybe to not to kill the generator/batteries disable the internal charge of the MP so that only one in inverter is charging.

Last random musing you could just switch off the quattro if you are then not using power from the grid or generator.

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65nw avatar image
65nw answered ·

Yes, room for both.

The goal is to have low standby power consumption with the MP for most of the time and then be able to jump to 10kw on the quattro when needed (and sun is out).

Tricky to have systems that can scale 3 orders of magnitude at a moments notice. (10w standby on MP to 10kw max output on quattro)


Region 1 would be great. Two inverters, one or the other is on. Question is how to do the changeover. UPS function maybe?

Region 2 relates to option 3, with power assist. Yes, problems there.

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