
uglymutt avatar image
uglymutt asked

One Orion isolated DC-DC to two batteries in parallel

Hi all. I have an isolated Orion DC-DC charger for one 60 amp hour battery on my fishing boat but I want more capacity. I was going to add another 60 amp hour battery in parallel to keep my same amperage but double my capacity. Can I run my single charger for both batteries in parallel? Would I just connect the to the positive on one battery and the negative on the other? I don’t really see a reason why this wouldn’t work other than these are lithium batteries with BMS that might get confused. Any help would be appreciated. My alternator can’t take the load of a second Orion and I don’t need that much charging power.

orion dc-dc
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1 Answer
Glen avatar image
Glen answered ·

Hello uglymutt,

Adding a second battery in parallel will keep the voltage the same and double the amperage. It's best practice to match the batteries (same voltage, amperage, manufacture, and age). With batteries in parallel, the battery with the lowest voltage will govern the voltage for the whole pack. You are correct in connecting to the positive of one battery and the negative of the other the same as your loads. It will take longer to recharge the two batteries compared to a single battery due to the greater capacity. Hope this helps, happy fishing!

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