
solardude500 avatar image
solardude500 asked

Add estimated SOC for the Smart Battery Sense

I purchased a Smart Battery Sense module and it's great. Can the optional feature be added to estimate SOC based on voltage and display that instead of voltage? I understand the drawbacks of estimating SOC by voltage, but it's more helpful than comparing voltage to a discharge curve chart.

feature request
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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

This is not a feature, and it's an extraordinarily bad idea. Charts for SoC vs. voltage are for RESTING voltages, vary by chemistry, and are NEVER accurate.

I vigorously believe Victron shouldn't expose themselves to that kind of low-rent misinformation. Maybe you don't see it, but I've encountered many many DOZENS of people who place meaning on some charge controller's % charge rating. This website can't be flooded with stupid questions like, "why does my battery read 100% and then drop to 60% when I turn on the light?"

Voltage is WORTHLESS as an indications of SoC.

If you want SoC, get a battery monitor.

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