
ray-mont avatar image
ray-mont asked

VRM portal system overview shows dc consumption as positive

Hi there

VRM portal system overview shows dc consumption as positive and actualy in my case is should be as shown by the system Battery power

As my offline Grid is only 460 watt

Checked it with Venus firmware 2.33 and 2.33-1 on a Raspberry 3+

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Ray. This is probably a 'definition' thing. Just me, but I'd consider Battery Power as +ve under charge, as do you.

How to define DC System? Seems to be defined as dc loads, and would be expected to show +ve on a GX 'tile', as do ac loads.

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ray-mont avatar image ray-mont commented ·

@JohnC look like that

I only saw it yesterday

As far as i remember Last week the graph’s were all orientated in the same way

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