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snafu asked

Charger differences "Blue smart" and "Phoenix Smart"


now that the Blue Smart charger has VE.Smart networking in revision 2, I wonder what the difference between this line and the phoenix smart charger line is?
(Additionally: How do I check which revision I buy, when ordering online?)

From what I saw until now,

  • the phoenix uses a detachable power cord, while the blue ones is directly attached
  • the blue has a fan, while the phoenix uses passive cooling
  • the bluetooth UI for the blue is "simpler" than the phoenix
  • the phoenix (1+1) has an additional battery connector

The reason for me asking: I am in the process of migrating from Pb-Gel to LiFePo4 and would need a larger charger. I do not have the need for 230V in my RV, thus not considering the Multiplus.



PS: I know this question was asked already a year ago, but it was never answered. There was just a "+1"...

bluesmart ip22Phoenix Smart Charger ip43
2 |3000

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