
Jay Kote avatar image
Jay Kote asked

Special steps to add 2nd MPPT (Parallel) to existing MPPT

Suppose a system has one MPPT (e.g. 100/20), we want to add a second one (100/20 or bigger), are there any special precautions and procedure to follow so to ensure that one does not step on another? Ensure they communicate with each other properly?

Other components in the system include MP3000/24, BVM712, 100/20, and Cerbo-GX which has been activated, but seems to be misbehaving at times and will need to be reset to factory and reprogrammed.

Where and how to check software versions of MPPT to ensure that the versions of old and new are the same?

What steps can we take after install to ensure they are working properly? What kind of symptoms and problems can we expect as signs that the two are not configured properly and working?

MPPT SmartSolar
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gazza avatar image gazza commented ·

Do you have the Victron Connect app on smart phone or computer? If you have the Smart solar version of MPPT? probably the easiest way to check firmware is to connect to your existing MPPT through Victron Connect. Click on the Settings cog, click on the 3 dots to get menu then click on Product Info. That will tell you your firmware version and whether it is the latest. If you haven't done it already then.., again on the Settings cog, the "floppy disc" icon will allow you to take a copy and save the current settings, this could then be used to import the settings (next icon along "down arrow") on your NEW MPPT so they are the same (assuming of course you are happy with your existing settings)
Alternatively, do you have a VRM link established? If so you can connect via VRM (which of course connects to your Cerbo via the internet). If you then click on Device list and Firmware update button it will tell you the status of all your devices connected to the Cerbo. You can then do firmware updates remotely via that connection.

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2 Answers
theo74 avatar image
theo74 answered ·

If you use 2 of more Victron Smart MPPT's on the same busbar, you can add them in a Ve Network via BT, and let them 'talk' with each other. Take a look at this example.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
He has a GX. So the BT network is not necessary.

FW updates and programming is important though @Jay Kote use the Victron connect. And make sure all components are programmed the same.

Is the GX the thing misbehaving? Is it an older model?

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Jay Kote avatar image Jay Kote Alexandra ♦ commented ·
The Cerbo seems to be what is misbehaving. It has been repeatedly reporting alarms that don't make sense. And remote access into it has been problematic as well. It may have not been configured into the system correctly when it was first brought online is what I suspect and best to just go factor and reconfigure.

Both the CERBO and the Display are around 1 year old. However, they were installed just a couple of months ago.
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1234enough avatar image
1234enough answered ·

Connect MPPT's with ve direct to cerbo and both will act as one and will follow charge parameters set

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