
member040 avatar image
member040 asked

Turn Orion 24-24/5 isolated into non-isolated?

Hello everyone,

I need a stabilized 24V power supply for network equipment on a boat. The boat has a 24V system, and I want to use a Victron Orion 24-24/5. Unfortunately, it is only available as an isolated version. My question is whether it is a problem to connect the negative terminals of the input and output. This connection might happen elsewhere in the system through cable shielding. However, I want to make sure and prefer to do it controlled directly at the Orion. Alternatively, is there another option? I need 24V for a PoE device that cannot tolerate higher voltage (such as the 28V charge termination voltage of the system).

Many greetings.

Orion DC-DC Converters not smartorion dc-dc
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Negs can be connected and joined to a common earth/neg. What you can't do is simply join them.

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