
matthewlai avatar image
matthewlai asked

Getting DVCC max discharge current


I am running an ESS in Mode 3 (external control mode) with my own control loop over MQTT, and everything seems to be working now, though I haven't implemented max discharge current limiting.

I remember reading (though can't find the reference now) that in Mode 3, the DVCC max charge current is enforced by Victron, but max discharge current isn't, and needs to be implemented in the controller.


1) Is that true?

2) If so, which topic is DVCC max discharge current in? I see that max charge current is at "/N/xxx/vebus/288/Dc/0/MaxChargeCurrent", but there doesn't seem to be a corresponding one for discharge current.



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1 Answer
yann avatar image
yann answered ·

as far as I understand how it works, discharge current can't be limited, because it does not depends on parameters but directly on the power consumption you have on the multiplus output.

But in ESS menu you can limit the multiplus power when grid connected, wich leads to actually limiting the max discharge current. Maybe you can use that ? (I don't know if parameter is available through nodered or mqtt)

You may need to do some calculations with the available PV power because when sun is here, you can use much more power without increasing the battery discharge current.

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