
electranet avatar image
electranet asked

Multiplus II 48/8000 issues charging from generator

Hello All

I have an issue on a new install where the customer already had a generator and wanted it integrated into the system.

The generator is a Hyundai DHY8000 rated at 5500W continuous and connected at 230v single phase. I was planning to set the AC input limit at 20 amps, so around 4600W, but I cant get a reliable connection at anything over 7 or 8 amps.

I have load tested the generator at around 4.5KW using other loads and it functions correctly.

If I have the Multiplus connected with only lighting loads of around 300W and set an input limit of say 10 amps it connects, starts to charge then after a time disconnects from the generator and runs the lighting loads from the inverter. The Multiplus also omits a kind of vibrating sound I assume from the transformer / coil inside.

I assume the issue is to do with the fact that the Multiplus (in charger mode) is a non resistive load but I would still like to try and resolve the issue.

Any ideas or opinions gratefully accepted.

Multiplus-IIbattery chargingchargerGeneratorfault
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3 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Have you done the multiplus VEconfig for charger and genset first etc? Also some gensets have very poor output wave forms which the Multiplus will not except as well, as a known issue. High quaiulty gensets like Hondas are very good and always connect with no issues at all. You hould read or seach for gensst issues on this forum the anwsers are there about it.


Rob D


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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

This sounds like my problem.

However, the sinus wave is VERY OK,

BUT the Generator has problems with the frequency and shift berween 50 and 56 Hz.

Maybe you should check this first.

In the ColorControl GX and the CerboGX you find in the menu of the Inverter a section where you can see ACin and ACout directly side by side and here you can see perfectly if the frequency of the generator is stable or not.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I've got the DHY8000SELRT. Also at 230V single phase. Wouldn't connect. Relays clicking as it tried to connect.

Found that the output was very unbalanced between neutral and live due to floating earth. Neutral to earth was about 60V. Bridging neutral/earth in the cable to the multi (actually an EasySolar) sorted it. Haven't tried a low input limit, mine is happy at 20A. But it wouldn't connect when I tested the other day with a nearly full battery. Subsequent test with battery at about 80% was fine. All the VE config settings mentioned by @Rob Duthie are Victron default. More testing needed.

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Related Resources

MultiPlus-II Product page 

MultiPlus-II Manual

Multiplus-II GX Online Manual

MultiPlus-II 230V Datasheet 

VE.Bus Error codes

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

MultiPlus Generator FAQ

GX - Generator auto start/stop

Automatic Generator start/stop

 Hybrid Generators

Virtual switch - Generator start/stop

VictronConnect VE.Bus charging manual  


Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

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