
solarbeginner avatar image
solarbeginner asked

VRM recording/showing strange Solar data, is this a bug in VRM ?

In my VRM dashboard the system overview shows up weird data since some days. During the night (!) it displays huge solar earnings round about 7kwh.

I run a Victron RS Smart Solar 48/6000 with 4 panels 2kw peak.
Maybe a week before this happened, I updated the firmware of my RS to the latest version (about wich the victron connect IPhone app promted me).

Is this a bug in VRM, and how can I fix it ?
I hope its not caused by the firmware update?

Hope anybody here can help!

This is a screenshot of the vrm display of my system showing solar from past 24 hours:


VRMbug report
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Did you update the GX as well? If you didn't do so.

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solarbeginner avatar image solarbeginner Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thanks Alexandra!

unfortunately GX update didnt help, solar still rising without any sun :(


I also disconnected AC load and turned the solar panel switch off ... no success

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solarbeginner avatar image solarbeginner Alexandra ♦ commented ·

PS: this are my firmware versions:


what am I doing wrong ?

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10 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @SolarBeginner,

I’ve asked the developers, but they have told me that the all the firmware needs to be updated to the latest before they can look any further.

Can you please update the site to latest firmware?

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solarbeginner avatar image solarbeginner commented ·
Hello Guy, my firmware is on latest.The firmware of my RS 48/6000 is on v1.12, and the firmware of my Cerbo is on v3.12. The display bug is stil persisting though.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ solarbeginner commented ·

Hi, we recently released a version v1.15 for the Inverter RS, it should be possible to update from the device list in VRM.

Otherwise the file is available here -

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solarbeginner avatar image solarbeginner Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
thanks, I updated the RS to 1.15, will let you know if it solved the issue this evening!
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ solarbeginner commented ·
I don’t expect it to, but it’s always the essential first step.
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solarbeginner avatar image solarbeginner Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
well, the strange data occured in VRM after the update to 1.12, so there might be a chance ;)
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solarbeginner avatar image
solarbeginner answered ·

The same error occurs on a different installation, at a different place (friends let me view into their vrm dashboard). So probably it IS a VRM bug ... any help much appreciated!

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Perhaps @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) should take a look.

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solarbeginner avatar image
solarbeginner answered ·

This is a screenshot of today,

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Can you help ?


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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @SolarBeginner,

I’ve just asked the VRM team to look into it.

Apologies for the hassle.

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solarbeginner avatar image solarbeginner commented ·
thanks Guy!
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adambant avatar image
adambant answered ·

I was just going to open a question too. I am seeing VERY strange VRM data as of a few weeks ago. One day my battery capacity went from 60 to 100% in a matter of minutes with very little solar power being generated. This was my Lynx Shunt reading. Luckily I also had a Batrium shunt on the system and could still see it showing correctly around 60%. I had to change the settings in my Cerbo GX to use the Batrium shunt readings instead of the Victron Shunt because my Victron Lynx shunt still thinks my battery is at an abnormally high state of charge, which it is not.

My Cerbo GX f/w is 3.12 and my Lynx Shunt is at 1.08.

Also Since that weird event ALL my solar generation AND usage curves are identical every hour. It thinks I am always using all the solar power constantly. screenshot-2023-11-07-at-32101pm.jpegimg-2370.png

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solarbeginner avatar image
solarbeginner answered ·

The problem still exists!
I tried everythin but the strange solar peaks at night are still displayed in VRM website.
As you can see on the picture it started about end of october.
Not only for me but also for other VRM installation in different area.
however, the solar earnings displayed on the led monitor of my Inverter are correct.

bildschirmfoto-2023-11-10-um-185633.pngMore detail pictures of the strange data:bildschirmfoto-2023-11-10-um-185558.pngbildschirmfoto-2023-11-10-um-185459.pngbildschirmfoto-2023-11-10-um-185518.pngbildschirmfoto-2023-11-10-um-185535.png

Because this is happening not only for me, but also for another installation I can view I highly assume it is a bug in either VRM website or one of theirs APIs maybe.

Please help!

This bug/hack/whatever is fucking up my history view in vrm portal!

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solarbeginner avatar image
solarbeginner answered ·

Unfortunately the update to 1.15 did not solve the problem. There is still buggy data occuring in my VRM portal:


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Hi @SolarBeginner,

Thanks for doing the firmware update, I have asked the person looking into your case to follow it up again.

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solarbeginner avatar image
solarbeginner answered ·

I discovered another detail: the wrong solar data is only displayed when the is no AC out.
Maybe this helps the Victron Team to solve the issue.

As soon as the battery is empty, the strange solar data occurs again.


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Hi @SolarBeginner,

Please forgive me, but know that your case is not forgotten.

It has taken me quite a long time to find the right person.

This issue has nothing to do with VRM, it is reporting perfectly the data it is receiving from the GX device.

And it has nothing to do with the GX device, which is perfectly reporting the data it is receiving from the Inverter.

So this issue is occurring somewhere with the inverter, and that process has taken some amount of time, and some number of people to get to.

Anyway, no news except we are closer to the solution.

While you're waiting - we have another beta firmware released here - - Perhaps you can try it?

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solarbeginner avatar image solarbeginner Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Dear Guy,

Thanks for not forgetting me, the problem still exists though. I will try the new firmware as soon it is released! Have a great christmas and thanks fpr your support!

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ry-de avatar image
ry-de answered ·


I am getting crazy data from VRM. I have a 9.4Kw system and this is what it is displaying today. Any suggestions as to why?

Thank you img-1321.jpeg

img-1321.jpeg (338.9 KiB)
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