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nickb512 asked

How to find an instance number or service name

Hi All

Any pointers on how one might go about finding a service name? I’m trying to modify some qml files for the front end and want to display the PV voltage and the AC charger state. The only places I can find these values in dbus are in “com.victronenergy.solarcharger.ttyS7” and similar for the AC charger. But of course that service name is variable and can change (for example the AC charger is powered from the external supply so if I reboot the device with the AC supply disconnected the address changes).

Looking under the constant service names (eg “com.victronenergy.system”) I can find the ServiceMappings but then the keys there contain the instance number which itself can also change. So I can’t use those values to map to the service names.

Any idea how I can reliably get either the instance number or service name for the AC and/or PV charger attached to a system? Note this only needs to return the first charger. In this case we don’t have multiple chargers connected of the same type.



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