We have a nominal requirement for a 30kVA hybrid 3 phase generator and the initial specification was for 3 x Multiplus II 10k units to be used for this. Presently there is a 3 for the price of 2 promotion from Victron for the Multiplus II 5k (and 3k) and I was wondering if someone could comment on the cost/benefit between using 3 x 10k units versus 6 x 5k units (i.e., two 3 phase groups in parallel). Johannes Boonstra made it clear in his webinar on hybrid generators that 1 set of 3 inverters will always be better than more sets of inverters in parallel, however, he did not quantify this statement. With the current promotion, the cost of 6 x Multiplus II 5k inverters is 56% of the cost of 3 x Multiplus II 10k inverters in our market. Wouldn't it be prudent to make some sacrifice in the hybrid generator implementation and use 6 x Multiplus II 5k units?