
chris-smith avatar image
chris-smith asked

UPS Plus for Raspberry PI

Has anyone used a Geekpi UPS Plus with their Raspi 4 running on Venus OS? It needs some software installing to work properly but the instructions are for Raspian. It needs i2c which can be installed via the SetupHelper. It also needs the SMBUS2 library installing. Then the software can be downloaded and installed. Has anyone made this work succesfully? I would like a UPS to protect the sd card from being corrupted when I am shutting the battery on and off during Van construction and commissioning. Its easy to forget to go in and do the soft shutdown first.

Raspberry Pi
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
@Chris Smith

Moved to modifications, where the Pi people are.

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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I power cycle my PI many times a day while developing software and have never had an SD card corrupted by a unclean shutdown.

You could also clone the SD card so you have a backup.I ran my system on a PI for a couple of years before I got a Cerbo and did have a backup SD card. I never needed it.

Another option might be to have a small 12 volt battery combined with diodes ahead of the 12 to 5 volt DC DC converter feeding your PI.

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