I'm currently running on an off-grid setup with an EasySolar II (5000/48), solar panels and a PylonTech US5000 battery. Now that we're entering winter-times, I've had 2 dead-moments this year so far. So I'm checking options for charging the battery from my neighbors with a normal grid-connection.
Is anyone familiar with the required installation? I'm hoping it to be as simple as pushing a normal cable from their wall-socket into the 'AC-IN' on my EasySolar? If that's the case, do I need a fuse as well? (manual - page 1 - https://www.victronenergy.com/upload/documents/EasySolar-II_GX/11230-EasySolar-II_GX-pdf-en.pdf - mentions a 32A fuse required. Wall sockets shouldn't deliver >16A so that shouldn't be required, right?)
If it's not as simple as a normal cable into the AC-IN, are there any other easy methods to achieve a recharged battery (except for an old-school generator)?