
joaquin avatar image
joaquin asked

Easy Solar II GX

Can I use the Easy Solar II GX for single phase 120V and 60 Hz AC In and AC out? The spec sheet indicates Inverter output 230 VAC 50 HZ. Charger input indicates 178-265VAC 54-65 HZ

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


No. The inverter will reject the 120v incoming.

And won't output inverting anything less than 230v.

You will need to find one that is designed for 120v.

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joaquin avatar image joaquin commented ·

Thank you Alexandra

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snoobler avatar image snoobler joaquin commented ·
Much of Victron's offering is 230VAC/50Hz (EU power), and is not available for North American 120V single phase or 120/240 split phase power.

You could couple it with an Autotransformer that could output 120V or 120/240V split phase, but you would have to feed it with 240V.

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joaquin avatar image joaquin snoobler commented ·
Thank you for the information
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