
ejm avatar image
ejm asked

running generator with invertor turned off

I have my Honda EU7000 generator hooked up to my Victron Quatro, can I leave my Victron inverter off and turn on my generator to power my off grid cabin as I wait for the batteries to get to a safe charging temperature? My generator goes directly into my invertor. The reason why I want to do this is because my system would be shut for a few months and I wanted to charge it up during a winter trip, but the batteries would be too cold to charge them I would have to warm up my cabin before I start to charge them. Here is my batteries if needed (PHI-3.8-48-60 Simpliphi PHI 3.8 kWh LFP Battery, 48V). The battery needs to be above 32°F before it should be charged.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerGenerator
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4 Answers
anieuwstadt avatar image
anieuwstadt answered ·


Add a bypass switch to the system. The switch is used to connect the loads directly to the generator when the Inverter is off. In the diagram below that would be K1. "L4" is the feed to the loads


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Not mentioned, but the coil for K1 would connect to the Multi AC output. The relay would be in its open state when the Multi is not producing AC voltage allowing incoming grid power to the loads. When the Multi AC output activates, K1 switches the loads to the Multi's AC output.
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anieuwstadt avatar image anieuwstadt Kevin Windrem commented ·

Hi Kevin, sorry this is nuanced, but the symbol is for a switch and not a contactor so there would be no coil. This would be a mechanical switch device of sorts with an off position so that it fulfils the role of an isolator as well as bypassing the inverter. Something like the Hager SF263 shown below.


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ejm avatar image
ejm answered ·

I am having a hard time understanding this. Do you have a link to a video

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anieuwstadt avatar image anieuwstadt commented ·

I am sorry, I do not have a video to share on this.

Below is the wiring diagram from Hager. In this case "Main supply" would be the Inverter


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ejm avatar image ejm commented ·

I think I understand this now, but it will not work at what I am trying to do. If I am understanding it correctly. This would always bypass my generator. I am looking to bypass when my batteries are to cold to charge, but in the summer I use it to charge the bank on cloudy days

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Normally the battery itself should block charging as long as it is to cold.

1. Simply use a temperature switch, connect it to an AUX input of the Quattro and use the "charge current control" assistant to deactivate the charger as long as it is to cold.



2. Just connect the temperature sensor supplied with the Quattro and the VE.config setting to stop charging below temperature X.
(you have to convert the temperature from the normal °C to your strange °F ;p )


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ejm avatar image ejm commented ·

That sound like a great idea! What do I have to order, is there a part number to add this feature?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ ejm commented ·

1. There is no temperature switch from Victron, just google for "thermostat" and you should find something.

2. The temperature sensor should be included with the Quattro.

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ejm avatar image ejm commented ·

so all I have to do is adjust the setting on the quattro? How does it know the tempter of the batteries

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ ejm commented ·

The temperature sensor should be included with the Quattro!!

Looks like this:


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ejm avatar image
ejm answered ·

I have this wire, but never installed it. Does anyone have a video on to install. This would solve my problem. I also have the color control GX

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Please read the manual there is shown where/how the sensor is installed.
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