
spencer-mack86 avatar image
spencer-mack86 asked

Ip43 Reverse polarity fuse replaceable?

So.. I regrettably hooked up my brand new ip43 24/25 charger to batteries with reverse polarity. I heard a pop. I know I blew a fuse. I see there is a fuse ment to protect it from this in the manual. Is it possible to have this repaired or am I out 500$?

Any help or ideas for solution are very much appreciated.


fusesPhoenix Smart Charger ip43
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

The datasheet indicates non-replaceable, so I'm guessing you're out of luck. While that's obviously not a warranty issue, there's a chance that if you talk to your distributor and explain the situation they might be willing to give you a courtesy discount on a replacement unit... no guarantees of course, but it's worth a shot!

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