
zain avatar image
zain asked

ESS system to do grid feed in when battery is at 80%


I have a system with grid feed-in enabled. Feed-in happens when the battery is fully charged and there is surplus solar production.

Is there a way for the system to start feed-in when the battery is at 80%?

battery chargingNode-REDgridfeed-in
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Yes, use something like node red to force a negative grid setpoint at a set SOC threshold.

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iammotorhomeless avatar image
iammotorhomeless answered ·

edit: please remember your batteries like to be fully charged, and won't like you if you keep them below 80% all the time :)

@Zain are you familiar with using node red ?

you want to use the output "ESS Control", "venus setting" and "grid set-point(W)"
set it to a negative figure -1000 will export at 1000w

you can then trigger it to start with and SoC of 80% and stop at 79% (or what ever)
you could set the grid point based on your solar "PV power"
and/ or reduce it based on consumtion

I get paid more between 4 and 7 pm (the timer switch)
so if my batteries are more than 60% it dumps it to the grid, stopping at 60%
(i change that from day to day, my manual version Dynamic ESS)

this is what it looks like

1698422203046.png (101.7 KiB)
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zain avatar image zain commented ·

I had heard of node red, just never got to use it. I looked through some of it and understood what i have to do. Just struggling with the details while familiarizing myself with it.

Could I perhaps get some more details on this flow?

Thank you so much for the help!

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zain avatar image
zain answered ·


is there a way to stop the battery from charging when the SOC reaches 90%? what node can help it? The MPPT should not switch off when soc reaches 90%

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