
jonafan avatar image
jonafan asked

Do I need drivers to connect MultiPlus 12/3000/120 via MK3-USB interface to my Mac laptop

I want to connect to my Multiplus 12/3000/120 to VictronConnect using a MK3-USB interface to my MAC laptop(MacOS 10.15.7). VictronConnect fails to 'see' inverter. How do I sort this?

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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Usually the VictronConnect installation includes the drivers needed, though in multiple cases we've heard from customers that their Mac (and some Windows laptops) throttled back the USB port power to preserve battery life, which can of course prevent the USB from appropriately powering the MK3 - in those instances, usually having the laptop plugged in to AC power would resolve the problem, and occasionally a quick un- and re-plug of the MK3 from the USB port.

Aside from that possibility, two obvious but easily overlooked questions:

1. Is the MK3 connected to the MultiPlus with a Victron RJ45 UTP cable?

2. Is the MultiPlus connected to the battery bank and powered on?

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jonafan avatar image
jonafan answered ·

Thanks for your reply Justin.

The Mac is plugged into mains. I'm using a Victron RJ45 UTP cable and the Multiplus is connected to battery bank and running.

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