
silent-power-australia avatar image
silent-power-australia asked

Battery protect is it necessary.

Our boat is set up with 800a lithium with Daly Bms (all protection features). The electrician has also put a disconnect to all loads that is triggered by low soc. Why would it be necessary to connect a battery disconnect device to switch off all loads when this feature is built into the BMS. The problem I have come across is an inaccurate soc on bmv712 causes premature disconnection of all loads including fridges argh……

Battery Protect
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1 Answer
s1277 avatar image
s1277 answered ·

If you have a built in protect it is'nt necessary. One can be added for non critical loads if you want more flexibility/control (IE a fuse panel that controls entertainment equipment). The protect works great when set up properly and can be used as a switch in the app as well as protect but would be redundant to built in

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