
sonnenausessen avatar image
sonnenausessen asked

Configuration Multiplus


wir haben eine Multiplus, 200kva Gel Bleibatterieen, CC und die VE Configure 3 ,- 3,7kv PV.

Was wir wollen ist eine Eigenversorgung, mit Hilfe den Assistenten - Generator steuerung.

Alle Variationen - die Gut erscheinen - habe ich durchgespielt im Config. MP ist auf CC Unbekannt.

Schaltschwelle Ubat 44v 52 Volt.

Relais an ACin soll schliesen bei 44V, Relais bei ACout2 soll gleichseitig öffnen. und visa versa.

Was habe ich eventuell vergessen? Danke für Hilfe. Gerrit

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
dswizzler avatar image
dswizzler answered ·

Looking at a similar design and have a few simple question from a beginner. Already installed 1 multiplus, 1 ccgx, 1400 watts of solar with a Midnight Solar controller.

Looking to aid a second multiplus,1500 amp hour of lithium batteries. Currently in Mexico with not plan to return stateside, so everything has to be imported.

It appears I need a mk3-usb to configure the multiplus for lithium and to work in a stacking configuration. Is that assumption correct .

Would the ve direct usb do the same thing as the mk3-usb for 1/2 the price .

With the smart dongle ass030537010 is Bluetooth the major improvement, or can you do configuration with it as well ?

Difference between the ass30536011 and ass30537010 dongle ?

Considering shipping takes weeks or months here looking to put together the correct order to start with.



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