
rozdnek avatar image
rozdnek asked

BVM 712 & LifePo4 48v Battery Bank

I have a battery bank consisting of 4 LifePo4 48v 96Ah assembled in parallel. They power a 10kW electric motor and I have a Multiplus II charger/inverter on my sailboat. I've installed a BMV 712 and on my first trial, it was displaying SOC and all other data properly. When I shift the motor to neutral while sailing, the prop is allowed to rotate and the motor will generate a small charge back into the battery bank. The BMV712 soon returned the SOC to 100% which I am confident was incorrect.

In my initial setup, I used the recommended settings for LifePO4 batteries and I entered the total Ah for the bank (384), is it possible the small charge from the motor triggered the BVM to resync and reset? If so, how can I prevent that from happening?

I will also be charging the batteries through the MultiPlus ll powered by a generator while simultaneously drawing power by running the motor offshore. Should the BMV 712 be able to monitor both of these inputs and outputs at once and give me accurate SOC data?

Thank you in advance,

BMV Battery Monitorlifepo
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

If wired correctly, the BMV will treat the bank as a single battery and not be able to distinguish between charge sources.

Might be your settings aren't correct. Perhaps post a screen shot.

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Related Resources

Victron BMV battery monitors product page

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