
kowalski avatar image
kowalski asked

VRM EM24 and EM340


I have a Victron 3x MP II 48/5000 Cerbo GX (v3.20~9)where the main energy meter is CG EM24. I also have an EM340 counter, it is used to monitor the PV installation and has this role set in the system. Unfortunately, a few days ago I noticed that the role of the meter ET340 had changed "by itself?" on GRID METER. Today it's the same again. Is it normal ??? Unfortunately, I did not find the option to permanently set the meter EM24 Ethernet as the main. (it takes over this role when the EM340 is set to any other role in the system).

I think this started happening after updating of Cerbo GX to (3.20~9)

Energy Metergridem24
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

If you think that issue is related to the Venus beta than try to go back to the last stable Venus release (v3.11) and report that issue in the beta thread.

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Related Resources

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Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485

Energy Meter Selection Guide

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