
mesteve avatar image
mesteve asked

Control MultiPlus Charge function externally

Can the multiples charge function be controlled externally/remotely based on battery voltage? Ex. When producing a lot of solar, can I disable the grid-powered charger and make it secondary to the solar array?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

If you have a VE system, this sounds like a perfect use of the new Solar & Wind Priority feature - have a look

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cardy01 avatar image cardy01 commented ·

@Justin Cook - Bay Marine Supply USA In my experience that isn't how Sustain mode works .... The priority from Solar goes to the battery and any DC loads but leaves AC loads on shore power.

I configured Sustain mode for about a week and concluded it didn't do what I wanted so am now using AC Ignore.

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