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Topper asked

PV inverter on L2 with ET112 wrong AC loads value, can an ET340 provide a solution?

I have connected a PV inverter to the L2 with an ET112 and the Victron Multiplus to the L1 of the grid, for this there is an EM24 Ethernet grid meter, see VRM screenshot;


When the PV inverter supplies energy, this is also seen as consumption on L1 for the AC loads.

Within ESS I can only choose that the PV inverter is on the AC1 INPUT, but I would like to be able to indicate that the PV inverter is on L2. Would this be possible if I use an ET340 and connect the PV inverter only to the L2?

Energy Meter3 phaseac
vrm-ac-loads-3.jpg (57.5 KiB)
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