My AGM 125Ah Supercycle battery in our Mobilehome is charged by a built-in electroblock (Schaudt EBL99) with a maximum of 14.3 Volts. The battery does not exceed 14.26V (Visible on the smart shunt).
There are also 2 solar panels (Victron together 280 Wp) with an MPPT 100/20 charger. The panels and charger were installed today, but due to the lack of sun I cannot yet see whether they fully charge the battery.
I read on a forum that it is also better to charge the battery a few times a year with an external charger. One that can supply 14.8 volts. So if I let the charger do its work "next to" the electroblock charger, it will fill the gap between 14.3 and 14.8 Volts.
But I am confused regarding the different types (IP22 / IP65 / IP67) and the different Amps I can choose. I don't want the"highest" solution but one that could do the job right.
What would an expert advise me on this?