
argroft avatar image
argroft asked

Generic Display Touch Calibration Issues

So I'm using a generic 10" display from Amazon with a Cerbo GX and have been running into an issue getting the touch portion to work. Display/resolution are perfect, but the touch area seems to be confined to a 1" square box in the upper left corner of the screen. I followed another post about running a calibration tool and got the screen to work flawlessly! However, after about 5 minutes, it reverted back to only having touch input in the upper left corner again. Is there something that needs to be done between running ts_calibrate and coming back out of headless mode to save the calibration?

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
Moved to "Modifications" section for non-supported issues, may get some more attention from other users trying the same thing over there.
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