
bennysnaucum avatar image
bennysnaucum asked

Emulate charging station for VRM Portal?

Hello I would like to emulate an EV charging station via modbus TCP to get the display in the VRM portal or in the Victron visualization.

Which modbus ID and address should I use for this?

I would be very happy if this would work and I could integrate my self-built wallbox.

Kind regards

ev charging station
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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Normal devices you would just add a custom driver like this:

velib_python/ at master · victronenergy/velib_python · GitHub

And you'd just change servicename='com.victronenergy.dummyservice.ttyO1',line to


I'm not sure if you need to do something further with EVCS. Then populate that information via MQTT topics as normal. Not sure if that'll work for EVCS or not, or if more is needed for that specificaly.

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