
tgrimmett avatar image
tgrimmett asked

Victron Gel batteries-what is max load level

I am trying to decide on Victron AGMs or GELs to replace my existing house bank on our sailboat. I know the AGMs can supply a higher load, while the GELs have a longer service life. But what is considered too high of a load for GEL batteries? The max load I have onboard is about 120amps, spread over 6 x 110Ah batteries currently. Is this 120/6 = 20amps per battery too much for a Victron Gel 100Ah battery?

battery capacity
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I'd look at the lead carbon ones. Slightly more expensive, much longer service life, more efficient.

20A on a 100Ah battery is ok for shorter periods, but keep an eye on temperatures.

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