
fe11 avatar image
fe11 asked

Orion tr smart 12/12 18 isolated input V query (Solved)

Had this installed a while back but been having issues. With the engine running, the input voltage at the unit reads 14V+ on a multimeter but the app shows 12.4V as input?. Watched a few vids and they all seem to fluctuate in the app where as my isn't. Any ideas where to poke? I know everyone's set up is different but I'm lost before I start

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
fe11 avatar image
fe11 answered ·

Disconnected everything, left to drain and refitted in order, seems to be working!!

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Is 12.4V the starter battery voltage? Usually that changes and that's what you're seeing in the videos. First guess is that you're wired wrongly. And your input/output are swapped.

A screen shot of the Orion first page would help.

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fe11 avatar image
fe11 answered ·

Belled out the cables (didn't install it myself so can't trace them) input+ is from starter battery. Output+ to leisure battery with bus bar to fuse box. (Only runs 2 cigarette sockets and 4 led spots).



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