I've noticed there are a field called "Remote IP and Support" following a IP-adress and port. As I am not in my vessel to verify, I don't know if this my IP or not. I checked out that address and it seems to belong to a company i Netherlands - which is not country I live in. Tried to ssh to the address and port and it answered. Kind of strange it answered, though. But I could not enter despite the fact I entered the correct root password.
So - then lets get into the questions :-)
Does this IP-address belong to some kind of support-channel or something at VitronEnergy?
Is this IP/port tunneling into my Venus?
Could eventually this be used by me somehow, or is this just a Victron matter and the only way for me is to portforward port 22?
How about security as I can see there is a service answering in the other end?