
svitek avatar image
svitek asked

Connecting Growatt to AC input Quatroo II

Hello, it seems I have a problem nobody before solved.

I have the victron solar panels with victron mppt, tesup wind turbine, victron batteries and hyundai diesel generator. All of this is connected together in Victron Quatroo II. Generator to AC input 1, wind turbine to AC input 2. The wind turbin has its own charger controler connected to Growatt invertor. Growatt is then connected to AC2 Quatro. The problem is that Growatt has an error "Not any AC connected" and it not produce any electricity even there is going more than 100V in it.

Do you think there is a problem with Growatt invertor (I already checked fuses etc.) or is a problem that these two invertors don't communicate together?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

The Growatt is a GTI which need an AC Voltage to work on. The AC2in ned to be powered by the source, hencevä it can not work with the Growatt

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
The AC out 2 of the inverter needs to be programmed to be on if there is no AC input. By default it is off.
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svitek avatar image svitek commented ·

Thank you for this response! I supposed the problem is in something like that. Would be the solution to put Growatt to AC1 in or to reprogram the input at Quatro as Alexandra suggests?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ svitek commented ·

If you have it on the AC out, the Victron will need a way to control it. If there is no communication between the Growatt and the GX and the inverter does not respond to frequency shifting commands, then the other way is to use it on AC2 output and run it like a generator. Switching on a lower SOC and switching off at higher one to prevent battery overcharge.

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svitek avatar image svitek Alexandra ♦ commented ·

You write AC2 out @Alexandra. Is it a mistake or do you mean it? I thought the AC out is going to the house. The produced energy is going to in.

In the Victron manual, it is written: "If AC voltage is present on these terminals, the Quattro will use this connection." And because Growatt doesn't send energy when there is no demand for it, it doesn't have a solution.

Any idea how to connect the wind turbine to Quatro II??

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ svitek commented ·
The Growatt needs AC power to power up and produce power.

So yes, put it on AC out 2 and run the generator assistant to drive the AC2 out relay to power it up to generate.

But have it switch off if the battery gets too full, unless you know another way to control or throttle it when needed.

It is not an officially supported AC PV inverter so I can't say for sure how it is controlled by the Victron system.

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svitek avatar image svitek Alexandra ♦ commented ·

You know, my main energy input are sollars and batteries. It works well an I have mostly enough energy. The wind turbin is just suplement and the generator is the last backup when batteries are going down. Mostly, when is no sun is wind. :)

So, following your sugestion, it seams to me better to place the Growatt to ac1 out and than will be Growatt ready all the time when the wind will be enough to produce electricity. Not generator will be neccesary to start to produce energy from the wind. Is this my assumption correct? And than Growatt will be also in ac2 in to send energy to my house. Will not this cause any demage to Quattro or Growatt? Or do you mean I have to put energy to the house directly from the Growatt? Or to use Growatt just for charging the batteries? I don't need Growatt for charging batteries. Tesup charger is able to do it itself.

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svitek avatar image
svitek answered ·

Strange idea. What about to place wind turbine charge controlor to AC2 in directly? Not to use Growatt at all? Would be quatro be able to operate when there will come less than 220V to AC2in? Would be 50 - 100 V enough for quattro to produce 220V?

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