
mt452 avatar image
mt452 asked

[solved] DC to DC will not work

DC to DC Charger Issue.pdf

Setup:(see attached PDF which includes installation photos and overview of system)

Line from engine battery to 60 amp breaker to input on 12v/12v 30A Non Isolated Charger
Output line from charger to 60 amp breaker to positive bus which leads to 200 amp Lithium.
Remote is installed.

Bluetooth works, unit will not fire or wake up. Error message states: OFF: Charge is disabled due to remote input inactive. Again, the remote is installed.

Inside app, I have battery settings as LIPO4. I have disabled Engine Shutdown detection and Input Voltage Lockout for troubleshooting purposes. Function is set to Charger. I have also checked the remote. Wires are correctly installed inside the jumper and are making a connection. Note: I can't set the Input Voltage correctly even if I wanted to, it overrides any settings to 16v or 28v. Weird.

The app shows voltage (incoming) at 14.6v. Output is nothing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

orion dc-dc
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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
Try to post a photo or two of your current setup... first things that come to mind are maybe you don't actually have a 12/12-30 (based on the input voltage settings defaulting to 16-28v as mentioned, which would be indicative of a 24/xx-xx version)) or you don't have a good common negative return path between your two battery banks.

I've encountered a bad remote jumper port once before in the past several years, but it's so unlikely that I'm more inclined to suspect another cause.

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mt452 avatar image mt452 Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
Just added a pdf which gives an overview of the system and installation. Thanks for any input, it's really appreciated.
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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ mt452 commented ·
Yep, you've got the wrong unit - that's a 24/12-20, and won't work on your system.
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mt452 avatar image mt452 Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
Ha! I would have absolutely sworn it was the 12/12-30 but I went out and looked and you are absolutely correct! Somehow I clicked on the wrong one (and installed it!) It's always in the details. I really appreciate your attention to detail and your help. Thank you for pointing out the obvious...
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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ mt452 commented ·
No problem at all!
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Mt452 that's a 24/12-20, not a 12/12-30, I can see it printed on the face in your photo... that's why it's not working.


24.png (313.0 KiB)
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mt452 avatar image
mt452 answered ·

Here is a overview of the system and installation pics. I really appreciate anyone taking the time.DC to DC Charger Issue.pdf

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