
jb9 avatar image
jb9 asked

on Venus OS Rasberry Pi what is the default editor for crontab -e and can it be set to be nano

Typing crontab -e I get a screen full of lines beginning ~. I can type a cron command and there is a line "I /tmp/crontab.BRW2C3 [Modified] 2/2 100%" at the bottom of the screen. However, I don't recognise the editor so don't know how to save it.

I'm used to Ubuntu, where there are a lot of comments at the beginning of the file and nano/pico is the default editor.

Venus OS
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4 Answers
iammotorhomeless avatar image
iammotorhomeless answered ·

I am not a Linux user.
but can I ask, if you are just scheduling repetitive tasks, why are you not using the Node Red option.

with the new "node-red-contrib-victron" custom control, you can get it to do anything anytime from anywhere

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horst-w avatar image
horst-w answered ·

Same question from me ...

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jeroen avatar image
jeroen answered ·

The editor is called vi (there is vim support as an opkg if you want a complete vi experience). One of the most import commands for vi to remember is ESC :q! . That will quite the thing, ignore any changes you made.

If you run:

export EDITOR=nano

before crontab -e you end up in nano.

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horst-w avatar image
horst-w answered ·

Thank you jeroen! The "export" command was what I was looking for. I'm quit new in the Linux world.

I (or the OS) couldn't handle vi. Nano works fine for me.


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